Pavel Fedorov’s passion for film began in early childhood, inspired by the work of directors such as David Lynch and Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Born and raised in Odessa, Ukraine, his family’s international travels led him on a creative path which has included acting, photography, cinematography and directing. His work has taken him to film locales in Cuba, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, Jamaica, Mexico and eventually to living and working in the United States. Pavel credits his acting education for his approach to the psychology of characters, respecting the complexity of the human experience in his work. With a strong grounding in all aspects of film production, he specializes in cinematography and directing.
+ Cinematography
+ Directing
+ Photography
Currently, my favorite project is a music video for Ukrainian Alternative Rock band “Braii” I did last year. I wrote the story, directed it, filmed myself and edited as well.
I can’t name one thing. My attention is in film and I hope that I can make the world a better place with my ability to tell different stories and bring attention to different subjects.
Caring, attentive to details, strong communication.